How was your day today?  Was it completely crap?  Are your stress levels through the roof?  It could be, and it’s most likely to be, that you got out of the wrong side of the bed.  This, of course, is just a saying but there is a lot of merit in this saying.  There is no right or wrong side of the bed but there is a wrong side of your mind.

Wrong side of the bed

why_you_shouldnt_get_out_of_bed_until_good_mood-wrong_side If by the time you are ready to go downstairs to have breakfast, you are in a negative mood then you have been successful in getting out of the wrong side of the bed.  When you wake up and begin to feel negative about the day ahead or start thinking about your stresses such as uncontrollable debt or the house repairs that need to be done or the broken-down car, you are setting yourself up for a terrible day because these negative feelings will draw even more reasons to be negative.  

Positive thinking

why_you_shouldnt_get_out_of_bed_until_good_mood-positive_thinking By focusing only on those positive things in your life it will draw even more reasons to feel positive.  Get yourself into the habit, immediately upon waking up, of thinking of just one thing to be positive about.  Stay lying in bed for at least 10 minutes and make a point of embracing the next positive thing that should enter your mind.  If nothing comes to mind make a point of coming up with that second or third thing to be positive about.  Trust and believe in this process and within a few days, your mind will automatically go to the positive side of things once you think about that single positive thing. Focusing only on positive things in your life will draw more reasons to feel positive. Click To Tweet  


why_you_shouldnt_get_out_of_bed_until_good_mood-gratitude By expressing gratitude for the things you have in your life; no matter how big or small, it will draw positive feelings to you.  Keep a journal and pen beside your bed and each morning, after thinking positively for a few minutes; take the time to list 5 things in your life that you are grateful for.  The more gratitude you can feel the more it will supercharge your positive thinking. Now get up and have a great day.    

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