So… you’ve built a bunker and stocked it with 20 years’ worth of food and supplies.  You have spent countless hours learning how to survive, how to rebuild and how to fight off attackers.  Several years of research has gone into your preparations but if you cannot get your mental health in check during a catastrophic emergency you will be doomed to failure and all of your preparation will go out the window.  It is vital for prepper’s to get their minds in the right place if they are to ride out the storm.


preppers_mental_health-solitude It is very likely that you could find yourself spending years on your own.  On the surface of it, this doesn’t sound like much of a problem for most, but we as a species are social creatures and require the company of others.  In order to deal with prolonged periods of solitude, it is important to formulate and maintain a set daily routine.  Never allow yourself to lose track of the days as this will begin the slippery slope into a self-sabotaging attitude. Your daily routine should include exercise and solitary game activity such as playing solitaire or in the case of having ample power generation, playing a video game console. Never allow yourself to lose track of the days. Click To Tweet  

Survival mind-set

preppers_mental_health-survival_mind-set You could have all the provisions in the world needed for long-term survival but if you think you may not survive then you are doomed to failure.  Only you can alter your thoughts to ensure that long-term survival is at the forefront of your mind at all times.  A good practice to employ is affirmations.  Affirmations are things that you tell yourself on a daily basis until your subconscious mind is programmed into believing that what you say is the truth.  Some helpful affirmations are:
  • I am a survivor
  • I will live a long life
  • I can easily overcome difficulties
  • I am prepared to face anything


preppers_mental_health-adaptability While having a bunker full of food, supplies and tools is great, if you are unable to adapt to sudden changes in your circumstances you will not survive.  What would happen if you had to leave the comfort of your bunker and venture into the wild with little to nothing?  Could you adapt to this change?  Never rely on one location to store all of your supplies.  By having multiple caches you stand a far better chance of surviving.  


why_you_shouldnt_get_out_of_bed_until_good_mood-gratitude In order to keep your mental health in check, especially in times of prolonged solitude, you can keep a gratitude journal.  Every day write down at least 10 things that you are grateful for as this will show you that things are never as bad as they seem.  You have a bunker, you have food and you have your life.  Even if you are on the run with no supplies there are always things to be grateful for, you just have to find them.    

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