During your working career, personal life or even home improvement projects you will inevitably encounter failures.  It can be a very slippery slope to the bottom if you allow these small failures to get to you and cause a spiral of negativity.
Failure is a part and parcel of success and should be embraced rather than rejected and forgotten about.  Each failure will bring you closer to becoming a great success. Failure is a part and parcel of success and should be embraced. Click To Tweet  

See the positive

never_dwell_on_failure-see_the_positive When faced with a failure of any kind it is very important that you try to identify some positive aspect.  Let’s say you failed to get that important business contract.  The positive may be that the contract itself would involve a tremendous amount of work for little to no profit, or that the contract would involve cancelling another contract to devote all of your resources to it. These two things represent a positive impact of not getting the contract.  Focus only on the fact that you are now better off because you failed to secure this contract. Another example is if your significant other walks out on you.  Instead of dwelling on this failure you should be thankful that now you know they no longer love you.  The lies and being strung-alone are over.  You should be happy in the fact that they are now gone.  

Removing negative thoughts

never_dwell_on_failure-removing_negative_thoughts One of the best ways to remove any negative thought is to stay alerted to them and when one pops up you should stop your thought process immediately.  In your mind, imagine that your thoughts are a book with each page representing a single thought.  Flip back a few pages and find that negative one.  In your mind, rip out the page and crumple it up.  Now drop it to the ground.  In real-life take your foot and squish that crumpled page into the ground.  In your mind loudly say to yourself “I will never have such a thought ever again“. I’ve been using this technique for the last two years with great success.  Negativity no longer enters my mind.  Now you may feel pretty silly by squishing non-existent things into the ground, but the more you do it, the less you will do it in the future.    

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