In this modern era of chronic stress, overworking and ever increasing bills and taxes, it is very important to become more productive.  When you manage to get your work related or personal projects completed ahead of time it will allow you some vital free time to wind-down or do the things you enjoy.  But how can you possibly get on top of all that work?  By making plans and setting goals.  

Making plans

making_plans_and_setting_goals-plans So what plans should you be making?  First off, there should be a grand plan, an end-game that you should be moving towards.  Let’s say you are working in a dead-end job that you know is going nowhere fast.  Come up with a long-term plan that will see you either getting the good job that you want or starting your own business or whatever that grand plan should be. Got this grand plan yet?  Maybe your goal is to get that great job.  You need to formulate a long-term plan that will give you the best possible chance of securing that position.  Maybe you need to take a night course or two to get the necessary training for that job.  Whatever additional steps you need to do in order to achieve this should be written down.  Take out a pen and pad and write down your final goal, then list the steps necessary to get there. The reason for writing this down is because it sends out a powerful signal to the Universe about what you want.  Eventually, what you want will be delivered to you if you believe in yourself and your long-term plan.  

Setting goals

making_plans_and_setting_goals-goals Now that you have determined what your long-term plans should be it is time to break these steps down into a series of goals.  For example, if you want that new job and need to take two night courses to gain the necessary training; each night course would become a single goal.  List down the steps necessary to attain these mini-steps (goals) and also decide on a time limit for each one.  Make these hard time limits that you must achieve. Each small goal that you achieve should include a small prize for doing such good work.  Say you have completed one of those night courses you could treat yourself to a night out on the town or another such prize.  This will encourage you to continue pursuing each small goal.  Before you know it, you will realise your ultimate plans. Each small goal that you achieve should include a small prize for doing such good work. Click To Tweet    

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