For most of us, the daily grind can feel like a complete killer, requiring all of our time and giving us very little to nothing in return.  This stressful existence can at least lead to unhappiness and, at worst lead to chronic depression or suicide.
Most of us lead a desperate race to the top while being barely able to tread water when it comes to paying our debts and keeping our family and loved ones happy.  For the most part, people believe that there may not be a way out of this stressful existence and if there was it would be from some external source such as winning the lottery or inheriting millions, but what are the chances of that happening? It’s time to take a very large step back from this existence and concentrate solely on you.  So how can you fool your brain into making you happy?  

The subconscious mind

how_to_fool_your_mind_into_making_you_feel_happy-subconscious_mind Our subconscious is a highly underrated system that sees everything, literally everything.  As you walk down the street your conscious mind might see a building but your subconscious will see a building and in an instant will calculate the exact dimensions, how many windows there are, the various colors present, etc. Your conscious mind does not have direct access to this information because it is deemed irrelevant. How can you fool your brain into making you happy? Click To Tweet  

Fooling your brain

how_to_fool_your_mind_into_making_you_feel_happy-fooling_your_brain Did you know that your conscious and subconscious cannot distinguish between your outward expressions and the reality of your current situation? It is because of this that you can very easily fool your brain into believing that you are happy. By spending just 10 minutes per day, standing in front of a mirror and smiling at yourself you will kick-start the process in your brain where Dopamine and Serotonin (the feel-good drugs) are released. Continue this practice every day and you will increase your overall happiness levels by leaps and bounds.    

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