Most people plod along with life, just barely surviving or working in jobs they not only hate, but are killing them slowly, without ever figuring out what their mission in life is. In order for a man to attract women, he will need to know what his mission is and be in a position to pursue that mission with all of his passion.  If he doesn’t he will appear weak in a woman’s eyes and will struggle to “get some” or to hold onto a woman if he’s looking for something more long-term.

What is my mission?

how_to_find_your_mission_in_life-what_is_my_mission Think about your job.  Does the thought of getting up in the morning and working all day fill you with dread?  Are you sick to death of your job?  If the answer is “yes” then this is clearly not your mission. Now think about your past jobs.  If they were vastly different from your current job than think about which profession felt like the best one.  If any of these jobs felt so good that you would literally jump out of bed every morning with the thoughts of having a brilliant day doing what you love than this may be your mission. What are the things you love doing?  Maybe one of your hobbies not only feels fantastic but helps to benefit others in a meaningful way.  This could be your mission.  Your mission in life will always be something that makes you feel on top of the world, whatever it is.  Nobody can tell you what this should be, only you can decide that. What are the things you love doing? Click To Tweet The best way to figure out your mission is to sit quietly, for as long as it takes, and think about those things that fill you with joy and excitement about the prospect of doing it.  This may be something you have never done, such as carpentry for example.  Why not start studying and pursuing it with all your heart and see where it takes you. Whatever makes you feel good… do that.    

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