Meditation works wonders for removing stress and clearing space in your mind for the most important projects and tasks that you should be focusing on.  This increase in focus will make you far more productive in the long-run.
Meditation works wonders for removing stress and clearing space in your mind. Click To Tweet  

1). Relax

3_simple_steps_to_successful_meditation-relax It is vital when meditating, that you find a very quiet area in your home that also has a chair or bed for you to relax.  Turn off all electronics and disable the doorbell if possible to ensure you are not disturbed. Lie down or sit in a comfortable position and ensure that you are completely relaxed before proceeding.  If you have even a slight pain or discomfort, due to the position you are in, shift around to get into a better position that suits you.  

2). Clear your mind

3_simple_steps_to_successful_meditation-clear_your_mind This is one of the most difficult steps for most people as it requires ridding your mind of all the stresses of the day.  Scan your thoughts and allow yourself to focus on one of them.  Imagine that with both of your hands you literally push that thought out of your mind.  This should be enough to remove that particular thought for good, but if it should return you can give it a bigger push, it will get the hint. Continue removing things from your mind until you are thinking about nothing.  

3). Concentrate

3_simple_steps_to_successful_meditation-concentrate Concentrate only on your breathing.  Nothing else should be allowed to enter your mind.  Should you notice even a single thought creeping in just shove it out of your mind with your hands.  You should feel and hear your deep breathes as you inhale and exhale. That’s all there is to it.  Easy right?  No chanting “ohmmm” or anything like that.  It is good practice to dedicate at least 10 minutes per day for meditating.  After a short few days, this practice of meditation can do wonders for your mental health, stress levels and general health.    

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