It’s a long held fact that laughter is good for you.  It makes you healthier and you will live longer as a result.  But what can it do for your soul and general quality of life?

Think of the funny bits

why_laughter_is_good_for_the_soul-think_of_funny_bits You may face some terrible crap in your life but there are always some great funny times from your past that you can always rely on.  Whenever life takes a big dump on you just let your mind drift back to the happy times.  Remember the stories from when you were younger and the crazy things you got up to.  Surely there are some great times back there that, if you just focus on, will give you a big cheesy ear-to-ear grin. Whenever life takes a big dump on you just let your mind drift back to the happy times. Click To Tweet  


why_laughter_is_good_for_the_soul-pets If you have a pet then you most likely know what I’m getting at here.  If you don’t have a pet it might be time to consider getting one.  A good social pet such as:
  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Raccoon
  • Rat
  • Mice
Pets have a habit of providing us with great entertainment if we can put down the phone for a few minutes and just watch what they get up to.  Highly social pets love when their humans get down on the ground and play with them.  This can give us a great sense of joy and could have us in stitches laughing.  

Fake it ’til you make it

why_laughter_is_good_for_the_soul-fake_it If you are still having trouble laughing your head off for most of the day you can convince your brain to make you happy.  For at least 10 minutes each day, stand in front of the mirror and smile, a really big toothy grin.  Keep this up for 10 minutes and actively look at your smiling mouth.  After only a few days of this, your mind will respond by forcing you to feel happy.  It does this because the brain doesn’t know the difference between what it sees and what it feels.  If it sees you performing the actions of being happy (smiling) then it must mean that you are happy so responds accordingly.  

The result

why_laughter_is_good_for_the_soul-the_result Not only will you live longer but the Universe will respond to your new super happy self by providing you with more reasons to be happy.  This can translate to things like a better job or bringing you more happy friends, or even delivering your true soulmate into your life. You were never meant to live miserably, you were put here to not only survive, but to thrive.  

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