While the mainstream media tends to be silent on these stories or widely embellish the facts surrounding these cases, they continue with greater frequency.  When the media are forced to report they will always blame zombie attacks on drug use without having any evidence.  The more you learn about these real life zombie attacks the better prepared you will be when they happen in your city or town.
When the media are forced to report they will always blame zombie attacks on drug use. Share on X  

Tennessee zombie

[October 2015] real_life_zombie_attacks-tennessee A man walked into a local Walmart store, reportedly having a very dazed look on his face.  An employee approached the man, but before he could question the man he was violently and viciously attacked.  The Walmart employee suffered severe damage to his arm as a customer stepped in to help.  The customer was immediately set-upon and had most of his neck ripped off. A group of three men, who were standing outside and witnessed the attack, ran into the store to help, only to become victims themselves.  It wasn’t until several shoppers intervened to subdue the man that the attacks finally stopped.  In total, six people were victims of this single attack.  The attacker is currently being held in a Tennessee psychiatric facility.  

Twin attacks in Texas

[June 2013] real_life_zombie_attacks-texas Texas saw two zombie attacks within days of each other in June 2013.  The first involved 33-year-old Michael Daniels who was reported to have gone berserk stripped off his clothes and crawled around on all 4’s, panting and growling.  At one point he was locked outside his house before jumping through a glass patio door, sustaining severe cuts.  Mr Daniels than began drinking his own blood from the floor when his pet dog walked into the room.  The dog was brutally attacked and eaten by its owner before police arrived on the scene. Mr Daniels was subdued by police and is currently being held in a psychiatric facility in Huston, Texas. The second attack involved Otty Sanchez who also went berserk and violently attacked her 18-month-old son, consuming part of him before appearing to briefly come to her senses and slashing her own throat and wrists.  When police arrived on the scene Mrs Sanchez was on the floor, bleeding heavily, and growled at officers.  She is being held at the same psychiatric facility in Huston, Texas as the attacker above.  

The Miami Zombie

[May 2012] real_life_zombie_attacks-florida Rudy Eugene was at a bit of a loss when his car broke down.  He spent several hours with the car before abandoning it to walk to an urban area.  Along the way, he became confused and incoherent to the point where he accosted a homeless man, Ronald Poppo, who he accused of stealing his bible.  A vicious assault ensued where Eugene ate the flesh off of Poppo’s face.  This brutal attack lasted 18 minutes and did not stop until Rudy Eugene was shot dead by police. After being shot once by the responding officer Eugene reportedly turned and growled at the officer before continuing his attack.  Despite being shot several times he did not react to the bullet wounds, other than growling at officers, and only stopped after he was fatally wounded.  

China attack

[July 2012] real_life_zombie_attacks-china A bus driver in China is the latest zombie to attack a random innocent civilian.  The man, named only as Dong, had been drinking heavily during his lunch break before running into the middle of the road and blocking a car.  The frightened occupant of the car, a woman named Du, was unable to leave as Mr Dong climbed on to the bonnet and began attacking the car.  As soon as she left the car, in a bid to escape, Mr Dong jumped on her and began eating the flesh on her face. Numerous witnesses tried to pull him off of his victim but were unable until police arrived in force to tackle Mr Dong to the ground.  While the victim lived in this case, she will require extensive plastic surgery.  Mr Dong was brought into custody and his whereabouts are currently unknown.   This is just a small few examples of the many zombie attacks that have been occurring around the world.  The common factor in these attacks is that they are all being blamed on the synthetic drug “bath salts”, however, no trace of the drug has been found in the systems of those affected.  While the main-stream media will always blame these attacks on “bath salts” they will never issue a retraction when it is confirmed that the drug was not the cause.    

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